A mental model is a streamlined account of how something works. Internal representation of external reality. A way of interpreting reality within your mind.
Mental models help you think, reason, solve problems, and make decisions. They help you understand life. “Mental model” is an umbrella term fit for any concept, framework, or worldview you carry around in your mind.
Thinking tools are techniques, frameworks, or methodologies made to enhance your cognition. Only thinking of ideal solutions? Cannot break the problem down? Need an innovative solution to a complex problem? Aren’t sure whether you are solving the right problem? Wish to come up with a creative solution? Don’t know which option is the optimal one? Jumping to conclusions and making snap judgments? Not sure what you ought to be working on right now? Cannot figure out a system? Use a thinking tool, and clarify and overcome these issues.
The definition of self-improvement is pretty self-explanatory: Self-improvement is the improvement of one’s knowledge, status, or character by one’s own efforts. It’s the quest to make ourselves better in any and every facet of life.
This is a page dedicated to explaining everything related to mental models, thinking tools, decision frameworks, and the like. Use it as a reference to navigate the complex world of cognition-enhancing tools.